The computer at triage keeps details of patients flagged on our system as "Special Cases". They may be flagged because there are particular aspects of their management, which are difficult or need specific protocols, or they may be known drug seekers.


If you have a patient who you suspect of opioid seeking behaviour that does not appear on the list of "Special Cases", the SA Health Commission - Pharmaceutical Division (8226 6000) often has more information, and is quite helpful. They also keep a separate list of people who have an "arrangement" with their LMO as regards opioids.



Patients using methadone are registered either with Drug & Alcohol Services Council (Warinilla) or their LMO. Before prescribing methadone to any patient you must attempt to contact their private prescriber or contact the duty counsellor at Warinilla to determine when this was last administered and obtain other pertinent information.

Warinilla - phone 8364 0055, fax 83310378


Disclaimer: Note: The information described here relates solely to operational matters in the Emergency Department.  Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the content. However, neither the author or the hospital will take responsibility for errors resulting from its use.  Please refer to your own departmental guidelines and verify all clinical decisions with a reliable source.  

Date Last Reviewed: 05/08/2004