An overview of the clinical process
- An initial clinical assessment (history and exam) is made to reach a
- Several hypotheses (differential diagnoses) are entertained
- A series of investigations are made to confirm or exclude the diagnoses
- Empiric trial may be commenced on an unconfirmed diagnoses and the
response is assessed
- After several iterations to gather more clinical information and perform
more tests a clinical formulation is reached
- A formulation includes the diagnosis, the cause(s), pathogenesis of the
disease and potential complications. The psychosocial and functional impact
on the patient is also considered
- A management plan is chosen (including doing nothing) based on a
specific risk:benefit analysis of the patient
- Timely followup is arranged based on the known natural or treated
history of the disease and the patient monitored
- Treatment is modified depending on the progress of the patient and any
complications or side effects that may develop