The following common methods of study though enduring, have been proven to be ineffective
Re-reading notes
Rewriting notes
Underlining passages
Cramming in one sitting
Following specific learning styles
The only proven techniques involve a mixture of the following
Strategic reading – reading looking for answers to preformed specific questions in mind e.g. finding out if there other acute complications to COAD you may have missed previously apart from ‘infection exacerbation’ rather than reading about all the complications of COAD or just reading everything about COAD
Retrieval practice – regularly trying to recall or summarise information (in your own words or style) without notes and later verifying how accurate you are e.g. taking a screening history of a patient with anaemia and checking if you evaluated all the potential causes or complications of anaemia later on
Spaced repetition – allowing a period of time to elapse before deliberately reviewing a topic at regular intervals, using flashcards e.g. the workup and initial insulin regime for a Type I diabetic
Mixing up learning styles – that force you to look at the same information in different and richer ways e.g listing the complications of liver failure versus performing the examination and listing the features of a patient with liver disease; using pictorials, mind maps, flowcharts, schematics, tables, role plays
For evidence-based ways of learning read: